Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ent 2.0 Chp. 7

Tips for making a smoother transition:

Eliminate the old product. Make the new product have to be used and make employees get comfortable with it.

Use believers to your advantage. They are adopters who for some reason quickly see the benfits of the new product and use it. Just with examples in groudswell, use these people to you advantage. Let them tell everyone why they really like it and that it should be implemented.

Build ESSP'S that are compatable with current technology becuase more people will be likely to use them. For example you can access Facebook from you Cell. Facebook may be new but using cell phones isn't.
Twitter and e-mail are compatable.

People use e-mail and Ent. 2.0 would be a partial shift from using something that they are comfortbale with and that is why it is taking over more slowly.

Also communicate with the intended users of the tech. Communication is key !

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