Friday, February 5, 2010

Groundswell Chapter 1

We have all heard of some of the websites that are considered to be part of the groundswell but there were several mentioned in the first chapter that I had never heard of. Basically groundswell means that people are getting the information and things from each other now-a-days vs. getting it from large corporations. Examples would be purchasing things off of E-bay or Craigslist from another person or getting information from someone on Facebook or MySpace.

With technology evolving the way it is (and the groundswell concept) companies are going to need to readjust their focus on things such as the message they want to percieve and how to better market their companies. People aren't buying the car magazines to find out about cars their going to People aren't going and buying their newspapers anymore; they are accessing them online.

More and more business will be done on the internet. For companies that want to strive during this time it is going to become extremely crucial that they learn the in's and out's of the computer world. They will need to understand why people access the information that they do and how affectivly they do it.

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