Wednesday, February 17, 2010

To Collaborate or Not To Collaborate

Collaboration has it pros and its cons. Technology has made the idea of collaboration seem easier and beneficial to some extreems. Collaboration can be good in many ways that the article mentions such as:
  1. Cost savings because the best and most effiecient practices will be put to use.
  2. You have more expertise so better decisions can be made.
  3. innovation because you have more people working and more people to encourage to create knowledge.
  4. increased revenue through the sharing of the best ideas.

However, while it seems collaboration is a great idea and a company would be stupid not to do it, it has its downfalls.

  1. People may not want to share the knowledge that they have or learn from others. There are some people who think they know all and they are not willing to except new knowledge or further their own knowledge.
  2. Some people may not want to share the knowledge that they have because they may not want to help the other company or may not know how to seek it out from another company.
  3. Some employees of the company may not want to work with employees of the other company thefore creating an inablity to work together.

So while sometimes collaborations may be a good idea sometimes they may be hard to initiate. It is important to find ways to encourage employees to create new knowledge, expand on their current knowledge, and share with others the knowledge that they have.

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