Thursday, March 18, 2010

The post office

Technology may be hitting our mail system hard. Word it that our post office is losing so much money it is considering taking away one day of mail which doesn't seem like much. But it was so obvious it was going to happen and it will probably get worse with the use of e-mail and the internet for much of people's communication needs. It seems the only things that come in the mail are bills (which you can now access and pay online) and local community newspapers (which you will probably soon be able to access online). So instead of losing one day of mail service per week will we ever be in danger of losing the post office? It is an interesting concept to think about and in one way you say it could quite possibly happen but at the same time there are things that seem like they can only be done at the post office. I just can't believe how much money technology and the use thereof have taken away from a mail system that has been in place for quite a long period of time.

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