Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Who do you market to

When I read the case of the Mini Cooper company I was very surprised yet it made total sense. If you don't have a new product coming out and if there is not something that is going to wow your customers are you stuck? Not really. It's time to then think creatively.

They distributed knowledge in one of what I think is most brilliant ways. They marketed to people who already owned the mini cooper. Instead of trying to find new customers they marketed to and used there current customers. Telling them what a great car it was and letting those enthusiatic customers feel as though they are part of something and let them spread the word.
This is sooo smart because I would rely on what a friend told me more than a salesman. I would think the salesman is just trying to sell me the car but if my friend owns one, loves it and goes on and on about it then maybe there is something there.

Apply that knowledge of the happy customer and let them do some of the work for you.

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